Vegan crostini

The simpler things are often the best. Not every evening calls for big meals, sometimes a glass of wine, or even a cup of tea, with a sandwich or a crouton are just perfect.
Considering that this year the month of May has been rather cold and rainy, we still have mixed produce, so I tried to combine these ingredients in a flavorful and unconventional way.

These crostini are easy to make and rich in taste, ideal if you like food with personality and enjoy combining sweet, savory and bitter all together. The baked pumpkin mashed with sun-dried tomatoes is amazing even on its own and, with regard to turnip tops (cime di rapa), I absolutely adore them!
So, here below, the recipe!
Enjoy and buon appetito!

Ingredients (for 4 crostini): 4 generous slices of brown bread
250 gr pumpkin
2 sun-dried tomatoes
a batch of turnip tops
1 fresh clove of garlic
1 red onion
12 black olives (preferably taggiasche or Leccino)
black pepper
e.v.o. oil
Peal and chop the onion and let marinate under lemon juice or apple vinegar.
Bake the pumpkin (cut into small cubes) for about 35 minutes, once ready blend with 2 sun-dried tomatoes, you should get a nice mash. Meanwhile, heat a pan, add some oil, the crushed clove of garlic and cook the roughly chopped turnip tops for about 8 minutes at medium heat. If needed, add a few drops of water with the tips of your fingers.
Toast the slices of bread, spread the pumpkin cream and top with the marinated onion, your turnip tops, the olives and grind some pepper. If you like, garnish with some extra e.v.o.oil and some fennel leaves or another herb of choice.

Mioummm! and beautiful 😋