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Christmas Wishes and a Recipe for Chestnut and Spelt Muffins

Merry Christmas!

Chestnut and Spelt Muffins

Chestnut and Spelt Muffins

Dear Friends,

Just a quick message to send you my warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Right now in Venice the temperature is very cold, ideal for staying home or inside cafeterias and wine bars with friends and family. I look forward to relaxing and visiting some exhibitions.

Chestnut and Spelt Muffins
Chestnut and Spelt Muffins

As you may already know, Vittorio and I renew the membership of the Gallerie dell' Accademia every year, so right now we are focusing on Tiepolo, especially after my interview with Tiziano Scarpa, guilty of making me curious and wanting to discover the wittiness and cleverness of Giambattista and his son Giandomenico. We know very little about their private lives, but I believe they must have been rather interesting! Rumors have it that Giambattista's wife Maria Cecilia Guardi, mother of Giandomenico and Lorenzo and other 8 children and sister of painter Francesco Guardi, may have been a gambler and lost almost everything when her husband was in Madrid...

Not only their private lives, but also the recurring figures of Oriental people, as well as snakes in their frescoes and paintings (and the drawings!!! in particular the Scherzi e Capricci), the use of masks and of life depicted as a theatrical play... well, so much to learn! Hopefully next year I will be able to share something with you :)

In the meantime, allow me be repetitive, just let me wish you the most serene of Christmases and the Happiest New Year!!! The best has yet to come :)

Below, an easy recipe for some delicious breakfast muffins.



Chestnut and Spelt Muffins
Chestnut and Spelt Muffins


Ingredients for 6/8 muffins: 2 free range eggs 90 gr brown sugar

130 gr yogurt (plain or chocolate yogurt)

160 gr spelt flour

60 gr chestnut flour

20 gr dark cocoa powder

10 gr baking powder

3 Tbsp chocolate chips and raisins


Whit an electric whisk, work eggs and sugar until you get a nice foamy mixture. Add the yogurt. Add the previously sifted dry ingredients, combine and spoon in the chocolate chips and raisins. Pre-heat oven at 180°. Butter and flour your muffin tin, pour in the mixture and bake for 15/18 minutes.

Once ready, let cool and enjoy!

Chestnut and Spelt Muffins
Chestnut and Spelt Muffins


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