Photography in Venice

Winter is a beautiful season. The light, even when dull, is romantically bucolic and makes me want to stay out despite the cold. Like in the other seasons, the best times of the day to shoot are early morning and sunset.
I prefer early morning because, if you get out when it's still dark, you see how the light changes, from cold shades of blue to purple hues, gradually warming up into an array of orange and yellow tones. Incredible.

The entire city of Venice is perfect for this type of photography. Wherever you are, follow the water and adventure yourself through the narrow calli. I am sharing some photos of Cannaregio that I took the other morning when heading towards San Marcuola.
The itinerary was pretty simple, I just took Strada Nuova, the main street, and had a few detours...

I passed in front the Casinò because I wanted to take a picture of the sign dedicated to Richard Wagner, who died in Venice. I had read that, according to his second wife Cosima, his diet was 'in principle' vegetarian (although not in practice), so I was hoping to find a recipe to use as an excuse to research more about him and draft a post, but haven't succeeded in my mission yet.
From one of the nearby bridges, the view of Fondaco dei Turchi, the National History Museum, on the opposite side of the canal. A little treasure in the city and a fantastic place for children.

On my way back, I walked through the Ghetto and Fondamenta della Misericordia.
I gave up the idea of wandering around when the tips of my fingers turned white for the cold, so I stopped in some grocery stores and reached my husband.

These walks, although short, have the power to recharge me. Or better said, they satiate me some how. The month of January and early February, at least until the beginning of Carnival, are perhaps becoming the best for photographers. Of course, May, September and October remain challenging competitors, but in January the city is almost empty and the squares and streets metaphysical.
I hope you enjoyed accompanying me from home to Cannaregio and back. Talk soon :)